ISSTA is happening in Dundalk this year, thanks to the great efforts of Dr Niall Coghlan and the Department of Creative Arts, Media and Music. We have a great lineup this year, with gigs, installations, workshops and keynotes from Peter Kirn (Create Digital Music), Prof. Teresa Dillon (University of the West of England and Watershed) and sonic artist Dr Luca Forucci.
We’ll also have a free late night gig at Dundalk’s Spirit Store featuring Sunken Foal.
You can find the full programme (including orientation information) here.
We always strive to keep registration costs as low as possible, and this year’s ISSTA can be attended for as little as €25 (unwaged or undergraduate student), €50 (postgraduate student) or €70 (professional), which also includes ISSTA memership for one year. (It is also possible to buy a one-day ticket (€40) or a non-member two-day ticket (€80).)
Registration includes free tea/coffee and lunch as well as the refreshments for the opening reception.
To get the best rates, joint ISSTA first, then proceed to members’ registration.
Festival/conference theme:
This year’s theme of ‘Sound-Makers: technologies, practices and cultures’ brings together practitioners and researchers in the field to share their experiences, creativity and skills over 2 days in Dundalk Institute of Technology. Custom–made and repurposed controllers and intentionally hackable instruments now support the creation and control of new music and AV work outside the mouse and keyboard paradigm. These technologies are increasingly being championed by grassroots movements which are driven by the designers, makers and creators who build and use them. Maker groups, festivals and social spaces––frequently more diverse and inclusive than those of academia and industrial R&D––have emerged to engage new creators and audiences through music, visual and sound art performances.
ISSTA-17 promises to offer audiences and participants an exposure to the exciting new creative experiences afforded by these new approaches!
Outline Schedule: Day 1, Thurs 7th
09.00 Registration (Entrance PJ Carroll’s building)
09.30 Welcome (P1080, PJ Carroll’s building)
Head of School, Dr. Gerard (Bob) McKiernan, School of Informatics and Creative Arts Dr Linda O Keeffe, President of ISSTA
10.00 Papers I (P1080)
11.30 Coffee Break
12.00 Keynote 1: Peter Kirn (P1080)
13.00 Buffet Lunch (Winter Garden, PJ Carroll’s Building)
13:30 Workshop I: DIY Oscillator (P1077)
14.00 Artworks Tour (various rooms in PJ Carroll’s – meet at entrance) 14.00 Papers 2: (P1080)
16:00 Keynote 2: Dr. Luca Forcucci (Recital Room)
17.00 Concert I (Mac Anna Theatre)
18.30 ISSTA reception (Winter Garden, PJ Carroll’s Building)
21.00 ISSTA ‘Late Night’ (Spirit Store): Sunken Foal & Joni LIVE + ISSTA DJ’s
Outline Schedule: Day 2, Fri 8th
09.30 Papers 3 (P1080) 09.30 Papers 3a (P1081)
11.30 Coffee (Winter Garden)
11.45 Keynote 2: Prof. Teresa Dillon (P1080)
13.00 Buffet Lunch (Winter Garden, PJ Carroll’s Building)
13:30 Workshop 2: Springs & Coils (P1077)
14.00 Artworks Tour (various rooms in PJ Carroll’s – meet at entrance) 14.00 Concert 2 (Mac Anna Theatre)
16:00 Closing Ceremony & ISSTA AGM (Mac Anna Theatre)
In particular, we’d like to highlight the workshops:
Instrument maker and designer, Andy Wilson will guide participants through building their own Sine Wave Oscillator. No previous soldering or electronics experience is required and everything you need to build the oscillator will be provided. Participation in this workshop requires a fee of €30 but you get to leave with your very own oscillator! NOTE: you do not need to be registered for the conference to take part in this workshop.
David Strang will then explore the potential of Springs and Coils as sound generating devices, taking participants through spring reverb, magnetic pickup coils and mini FM broadcasting ( ).
Participation in this workshop requires registration for the conference and advance booking.
Please contact Niall Coghlan to book a place on the workshops: niall.coghla [at]